This evening recital, "Die Un trennbaren" (2023) is somewhat a sequel of my personal recitals exploring the meaning of journey and distance, after Sojourner (2017), Non omnis moriar (2018), 6000 Miles Away (2019). I left home and became a sojourner after 21 years—and I thought I had a reason. In reality I had no clue what the foreign life would be like, and I was merely escaping the trail of life and searching for its different shapes. In these six years, my biggest fear is forgetting and being forgotten. I had to awake all memories by many forms of writing and expression, hoping for “Non omnis moriar” in these memories. In times of solitude and hiraeth, these awaken memories were the determination to stay 6000 miles away. "Die Un trennbaren" (The inseparables) is a playful way to remind myself the trennbare Verben (separable verbs) in German—and of course, the adjective "untrennbar" (inseparable) itself is inseparable. Even if I force it to separate, the meaning stays as a whole. Today's programme echoes: it is the same to German Lieder (art songs)—in which music and poems give meaning to each other; it is the same to my poems—in which humanity and Nature are all rooted in the same Tree of Life. I am enormously grateful to have Yu-Wen, Alvin, and Pang-Yen to join me in this recital, and Min-Erh for his baton. The same to all of you here, and those far away, for your unfailing support and love. It is a consolation: we live in a world where there are enough reasons to separate us—yet if we believe in bonding, we are also inseparable.

《不/分。》(2023) 是繼《流浪者》(2017)、《吾將永垂不朽》(2018)、《6000哩之外》(2019) 我個人音樂會的續集,繼續尋找旅程和距離的意義。我二十一歲離家、成為流浪者——我以為必然有它的理由,但事實上當初的我對異地生活毫無概念,僅僅是想逃離生活的軌跡,跳進人生裡新的形狀。離家六年,最大的恐懼是遺忘與被遺忘。因此靠著不停的寫作和抒發來喚醒所有回憶,盼望回憶中吾將永垂不朽。靠著被喚醒的回憶,我總在獨處和鄉愁之間說服自己克服 6000 哩之外的距離。 《不/分。》是一個我對德文 trennbare Verben(分離詞)的小玩笑——而當然,untrennbar (不可分離)作為形容詞本身不可分離。即使我強逼拆開他們,他們的意義依然完整。今天的曲目與此呼應:就像舒曼的藝術歌曲裡,音樂與詩詞互賦意義;就像我的詩裡,人類和自然同為一體。 我想藉此感謝郁雯、柏希、邦彥參與這場音樂會、感謝敏而的指教和建議。同時我想感謝所有撥冗前來、或身在遠方的你們經久不衰的支持和愛。 這未嘗不是一種安慰:我們所活著的世界有太多原因能把我們分開——但只要我們相信羈絆,我們也不可分離。

Hong Kong-born baritone Henry Hung studied under the tutelages of Eric Cheung and William So for voice and music theory respectively. He also received coaching by Sergei Leiferkus, Susan Bullock, Manolis Papasifakis, and Dong-jian Gong in their masterclasses. He holds LMusTCL and AMusTCL diplomas in music theory and DipABRSM diploma in singing. His solo repertoire includes the first Chinese cantata Songs of Long Sorrow (as Emperor Ming of Tang), operas Mozart's Don Giovanni (as Don Giovanni), Strauss' Die Fledermaus (as Dr Falke), Rossini's Il barbiere di Siviglia (as Don Basilio), and Mozart's Le Nozze di Figaro (as Dr Bartolo). His performances in China, Hong Kong, South Korea, and the United Kingdom received warm acclaim. He won the Ms Barbara Fei Vocal Solo Prize Open Finals in Hong Kong in 2016. He graduated from The Chinese University of Hong Kong and the University of Oxford. Apart from the music endeavour, he is a forest scientist at the University of Oxford and Magdalen College. He became a National Geographic Explorer in 2022 for his research on critically endangered rosewoods.
男中音洪天恒師承張朝暉老師習聲樂、蘇偉雄博士習音樂理論。曾受 Sergei Leiferkus、Susan Bullock、Manolis Papasifakis 和龔冬健大師班指導。獲倫敦聖三一學院 LMusTCL 及 AMusTCL 音樂理論文憑,及皇家音樂學院聯合委員會 DipABRSM 聲樂文憑。洪氏獨唱曲目廣泛,包括中國第一部清唱劇《長恨歌》(飾唐明皇)、歌劇施特勞斯《蝙幅》(飾 Dr Falke)、莫扎特《唐‧喬望尼》(飾 Don Giovanni)、羅西尼《塞維利亞的理髮師》(飾 Don Basilio)和莫扎特《費加羅的婚禮》(飾 Dr Bartolo)。洪氏於中國、香港、南韓、英國等地之演出廣受好評。洪氏 2016 年於香港獲費明儀女士聲樂獨唱獎公開組決賽總冠軍。洪氏畢業於香港中文大學及牛津大學。音樂旅途以外,洪氏於牛津大學及莫德林學院從事森林研究。洪氏於 2022 年以其對極度瀕危紅木的研究獲銜「國家地理探索者」。
Henry Hung 洪天恒
baritone & piano / 男中音、鋼琴 |
Yu-Wen Huang is from Taiwan. She began studying the piano at the age of five and has been taught by Ya-Qing Pan, Ya-Rong Zheng, Wen-Wan Chen, Yi-Jun Zheng, Yu-Yun Chen, and Fang-Ling Lu. Yu-Wen participated in numerous performances at different venues in Taiwan, including the National Concert and Recital Hall, the Taipei Culture Center, and the NTU Center for the Arts. She is an Events and Graduations Officer in the Development Office, Jesus College, Oxford, and enjoys her job very much. She is also a columnist for Taiwan's leading online media “Crossing” where she shares with readers about higher education, culture experience, life, and work in the UK.
黃郁雯來自台灣,自小和音樂結下不解之緣,五歲開始學鋼琴,由潘雅青老師啟蒙,後師事鄭雅容老師、陳文婉老師、鄭怡君老師、陳玉芸老師、呂芳玲老師。曾於國家音樂廳、國家演奏廳、城市舞台、台大雅頌坊等,演出協奏曲、交響曲、獨奏、伴奏、合唱團、室內樂等。曾擔任學生獨奏,與敦化國小管弦樂團演出莫札特 K. 466 鋼琴協奏曲、與台北愛樂合唱團赴美參與第六屆密蘇拉國際合唱節。大學期間數次參與台大交響樂團室內樂之夜協演,並於 2012 政大第 12 屆駐校藝術家—向李泰祥致敬轉角音樂會擔任鋼琴及豎笛演奏。現於牛津大學耶穌學院校友辦公室擔任行政人員,非常享受這份工作。同時也是台灣知名網路媒體《換日線》專欄作者,透過文字,與讀者分享關於英國留學、文化、生活和職場的所見所聞。
Yu-Wen Huang 黃郁雯
piano / 鋼琴 |
Born and raised in Hong Kong, Pak Hei (Alvin) Leung is currently a PhD student in Music
Composition at the University of North Texas. He received a Master of Music degree at Bowling
Green State University, and a Bachelor of Arts in Music from the Chinese University of Hong
Kong (CUHK). His principal teachers include Joseph Klein, Kirsten Soriano, Panayiotis
Kokoras, Marilyn Shrude, Christopher Dietz, Mikel Kuehn, Wendy Wan-ki Lee, Victor Wai-
kwong Chan, Hau-man Lo and Ricky Tse. Alvin first met Henry when he was studying at CUHK. They first collaborated on Wooden Heart back in 2019, and this is the first time they perform the piece together. And Alvin has promised to visit him since pre-COVID times, so here he comes!
梁柏希畢業於香港中文大學及鮑靈格林州立大學,現為北克薩斯州大學音樂哲學博士生,主修作曲。梁氏師隨 Joseph Klein, Kirsten Soriano, Panayiotis Kokoras, Marilyn Shrude,
Christopher Dietz, Mikel Kuehn, 陳偉光、李允琪、盧厚敏及謝建銓。梁氏於中大時認識洪氏。他們在 2019年 首次合作,而這場音樂會是他們首次一起演出《木心》這首作品。而且梁氏在疫情前已經答應要來英國探望洪氏,現在是時候了!
Alvin Leung 梁柏希
piano / 鋼琴 |
Pang-Yen Chang is a Taiwanese tenor. He began vocal performance at the age of eight singing in the Tsai Hsing School Choir, BCC Children's Choir, and Taipei Philharmonic Children's Choir. He performed the role of Pastore in Puccini’s Tosca and participated in a variety of musicals and choral concerts. During his undergraduate years, he studied voice with Ming-Yu Chou. He received degrees of Doctor of Medicine and Master of Social Science from National Yang-Ming University. He is also a specialist in occupational and environmental medicine. Currently he is a DPhil candidate in Oriental Studies, St Antony’s College.
Pang-Yen Chang 張邦彥
tenor / 男高音 |
承 蒙 莫 德 林 學 院 贊 助 場 地